Warning! Despite any other claims or listings of the contents found herein, the consumer is advised that, in actuality, these web pages consist of a statistically insignificant number of electrons and 99.99999% empty space.
Well gate, your infernal surfing has finally and inevitably brought you to the Weirderness, the website of professional writer and artist Ron Leming and his equally absurd company, Silly Ole Bear Web Design. Bad company...Go sit in the corner! Awwwww...
Think of these pages as a sort of crazy advertisement, e-zine, journal, experiment, artwork, performing art, lecture series and exploding brain kinda thang. Just completely comfoozled, bamblusticated and disorganized because, after all, when your brain explodes, you don't want that stuff spewing all over your living room, now do you. So, what better place to spew than on the net. We feature jolly japes and spiffy wheezies, a sly touch of truth, some damn fine art and short stories, even if I do say so myself, some poetry, many taglines, a few useless downloads, some personal information you didn't even want to know, some semi serious stuff, some really serious stuff, and some other stuff that makes absolutely no sense at all. You can even find out about our business here. Please feel free to download any graphics you find here that you like. I'm not terriblt proprietary, and I'm happy if you like them enough to want to use them.
Have patience. I realize these pages load slowly. Check your email or something. The fact is, if you don't have the patience to wait for these pages to load, you probably aren't the type of person who is going to enjoy the irrepressible content to be found within the most kick ass website on the net. Go play at goofy.com or something and let adults with intelligence enjoy what may be found here. we offer something for nearly everyone but kids and the ignorant. If you fall into either of those two categories, buh bye now.

Email me...send sausage
See the crazy pineapple guestbook
Oh, who cares? Sign it!

You are mutant number...

Created entirely with the HTML Editor++...the bestest HTML editor you can get.
Other software used in constructing these pages...Photoshop 4.1...Paint Shop Pro 5...Midisoft...Terragen...Harmwave Seamless Tilemaker