You can have your MP3's. I have no use for them. I have been for many years, and always will be, a midi freak. I sequence them, resequence them and collect them. I have somewhere around thirteen-hundred at last count, about half of which I've finished sequenced myself. I offer only a few here for your pleasure. All midis are sequenced for the Soundblaster Awe 64 which, while it doesn't totally satisfy my need for accurate and quality sound, has, until something better comes along, the most accurate midi bank available. In many cases, to get the best take i can, to my ears, I've transposed octaves, doubled and tripled tracks, used odd instrument combinations, whatever it takes to get a sound I'm pleased with. While many of the people who put midis on teh net are excellent musicians, they are lousy sequencing engineers with no ear for how a song should sound. I'd like to mention two exceptions to this. Joerock and 7-UP always have excellent midi and sequencing quality. Just click on the button to download the zip files.
I love Stevie Nicks and her music, and this zip file contains several Stevie songs as well as Fleetwood Mac songs.
Black Sabbath and Ozzie rule! I will accept no argument. This file contains several Sabbath and Ozzie songs I like quite a lot.
Jean Michael Jarre is, along with Mike Oldfield, one of the greatest composers of modern classical music in the world. This zipfile contains many of his pieces which I have attempted to make sound as close to the original versions as possible.
This file contains several assorted metal songs which I just happen to like. Metal is a difficult music to reproduce in midi format, but I think I do as well as possible, though i do have a guitar sound fonts bank to draw on which makes it more accurate. How these songs will sound to you depends on how well your sound card reproduces distorted or overdriven guitar sounds.

This file contains some nice, and some odd oldie files. These may run from the early 1900's up to the seventies or so. Have fun.
About seven songs by Yngwie Malmsteen. No more needs to be said.
An assortment of songs from my favorites file. Some good stuff here, including a couple of Skynard songs.
When you're sitting with that special someone at the puter, hey, you want some nice love songs to play. Here's a file full of love songs to set the mood.
Some files from my mellow department, including a couple of Steely Dan songs
A few selections from my rock files.
For those of you who don't have it, the slickest mp3, wav and midi player in the world. To play midis, you'll have to get a midi dll for it. And don't forget to get the Satan plug in for the most kickass visualization.
Get the midi.dll

You didn't really think I was gonna let you get away without showing you a whole mess of links to hippy sites, did you? After all, it's not like I'm the last living hippy on Earth, though I may be in Texas. So here they are...